What are reconstituted veneers?

Reconstituted veneers are veneers that are made out of an abundant wood to look like a rare or exotic wood. I believe that reconstituded veneers are the future of cabinetry, and that is not a bad thing.

They are no less strong then a regular wood veneer, and in fact are more stable because the imperfections are taken out. This also allows for consistancy in color and pattern. A veneer you buy at a later date will look the same as the one bought today, making it possible to replace a damaged door on down the line.

The use of an abundant wood makes the reconstituted veneers good for the environment, by not wasting old growth exotic timber. Using a venner in cabinet construction is the most wood efficient way to build a cabinet box or a cabinet door.

Reconstituted veneers also happen to be more affordable, because no hard to obtain exotic woods are involved. Most veneered doors are avilable only in the slab style flat door. Visit our showroom to see some of the available reconstituted veneer doors.  Back to Article list

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